martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Bullying is present almost everywhere, is not exclusive to any sector or society or about sex, although the profile of the offender himself is seen predominantly in males. There are no differences with regard to the victims.
This practice becomes common in middle and high levels of public and private sectors in Mexico, elsewhere in the world is adapting to technology resulting in cyber bullying, harassment through specifically on internet web pages, blogs or emails.
Sex: It is when there is a siege, induction or sexual abuse.
Social exclusion: When ignored, isolated and excludes the other.
Verbal insults and slurs in public to expose the weak.
Psychological: In this case there is a persecution, intimidation, tyranny, exhortation, manipulation and threats to the other.
Physical: There’s hitting, shoving or beating the beleaguered organization.
Parents if the see changes in behavior of children. You and you approach your child talk with him.
Interact more with your child’s friends and see what activities do. Once we have created a climate of trust and communication with your child, ask the reason for their behavior.
I think that the bullying is bad because hurt the other people, and all are the same girls and boys, old and young. We have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, etc.
The people that think that are more than the others is incorrect, and that people in the future are going to have problems in her or his live.
The parents should talk with their soon to know what happened with their lives.
And the people that are victim should speak, to receive help and resolve the problem.
They should finish with the bullying because if they don’t do nothing they are going to continue doing the same things and get more power, and is going to became to a problem that never get solution.
Naomi López Escárcega 1° A

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