miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Bullying (also known as bullying, school bullying or bullying by the English term) is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical occurred among school children repeatedly over a given time. Statistically, the dominant type of violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and the school yard. The protagonists of cases of bullying tend to be children in the process of entry into adolescence (12-13 years), being slightly higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims.

Opinion: I think it is bad to disturb others by their appearance making them feel bad because maybe then those who can bother them and they will feel what they felt applied to bullying


“The Bullying”
The meaning of Bullying is harassment. Normally the consequences are problems in the family of any factor.
A situation of bullying is serious and is compounded because many children and adolescents who suffer do not tell the problems in the school.
Many times teachers underestimate a bullying situation, if they do take action when the child has serious emotional damage.
Tackling bullying is everyone's responsibility. From home, school and society in general, each from his trench can help prevent this phenomenon.


The bullyng
The bullyng is when somebody is abused by the children only I the school.
This abuse could be like some abuses like those:
Punches: like somebody pulls the hair , kicks and others more.
If somebody happen in those situation could be get help with teachers , principals and the family.
Also could be when the bad boys discriminate to the others.
And saying foolishness and bad words.
I think that in Mexico in all the schools the boys and the girls suffer of bullyng.
In sometimes if in the school can´t solucionate a big problem of bullyng they have to suspend.


Types of Bullying physical: Pushing, Kicking, Assault with objects, and so on, It occurs more frequently in Elementary tan in Junior High School, Verbal in sults, slurs in public, highlighting physical defects, etc. It’s the most common. Psychological undermine the individuals self steem and foster their sense of year. Social intended to isolate the young from the pack and colleagues .
Aggressor: They tend to be physical strong, impulsive, dominant with antisocial behavior and a little sympathetic to their victims
Victim: Children are usually shy, insecure, maintain excessive parental protection, less physical strong and so on.
An example of bullying is that you physical attack as case that happened I was picking my colors of the floor that I falled then a girl in my class 1B I do not like me because she always bothers me when I was when I was to the picking here way through where I was up and my hand my hand which hurt me a lot and she acted as if I had not done anything but well she knew what she was she was doing.


bullying is very bad because it is an abuse that occurs within schools and children currently avarices affecting the way in which target insults and physical aggression that an offender is given from a victim till this problem is is a serious global problem and that many teens ending their life
bullying or gifts if the victim has reported the abuse to a time or gifts to this problem
possible bullying or gifts is to give talks on this issue to avoid this in schools
Bullying is taken as a game but it affects people more low self esteem and confidence in themselves

Must be taken on this issue conscience that is not a game really is affecting our social


Bullying is a characteristic shape and extreme school violence.

Have been reported up to 8 forms of bullying:

Social Block Groups bullying actions that seek to block the victim socially.

Harassment Bullying behaviors consisting of acts of harassment and bullying that manifest disregard, disrespect and disregard for the dignity of the child.

Handling bullying behaviors that seek to distort the child's social image and "poison" to others against him.

Constraints bullying behaviors that the victim intended to take actions against their will.
Through these harassing behaviors the child who intend to exercise dominion and a total submission of his will.

Groups Social Exclusion bullying behaviors that seek to exclude from participation in the child bullied. The "you do not," is the center of these behaviors with the group that harasses the child socially segregated.

Bullying Bullying behaviors that seek to induce fear in the child. Their indicators are acts of intimidation, threats, physical harassment, intimidation, harassment at the exit of the school.

Groups threat to the integrity of bullying behaviors seeking deterred by threats to the physical integrity of the child or his family or through extortion.
I think that bullying is a physical and psychological aggression exerted typically young adolescents undergo psychological causing major damage "victims."


The Bullying
The bullying is a problem that it is in all the world, specialty in the school because in this place the boys or girl more timid are the victims.
The boys hit or insult this people because he was more popular and because in his house her mom, or his father hit them.
The bullying was in the faceebok or pages similar because the boys insult to another person and the other person was sad and it is a problem that has so dangerous, because the victims need to stay alone and something the victims things that he need to dead and, sometimes boys and girls killed and his parents was so sad.
Then we need to stop this problem make muting or things similar and talk of this problem to all the school and for this way we stop the bullying.
The bullying is a problem that it is in all the world, specialty in the school because in this place the boys or girl more timid are the victims.
The boys hit or insult this people because he was more popular and because in his house her mom, or his father hit them.
The bullying was in the faceebok or pages similar because the boys insult to another person and the other person was sad and it is a problem that has so dangerous, because the victims need to stay alone and something the victims things that he need to dead and, sometimes boys and girls killed and his parents was so sad.
Then we need to stop this problem make muting or things similar and talk of this problem to all the school and for this way we stop the bullying.


Bullying can occur in any context in which human beings interact with each other. This includes school, church, family, the workplace, home, and neighborhoods. It is even a common push factor in migration. Bullying can exist between social groups, social classes, and even between countries (see jingoism). In fact, on an international scale, perceived or real imbalances of power between nations, in both economic systems and in treaty systems, are often cited as some of the primary causes of both World War I and World War II.
Mi opinion is that i think that the bullying is very bad because some kids are involucrated in those cases the kids can’t tolerate the insults of all the kids that are in the class or it could be that all the school are involucrated and the kids want to kill they because they don’t want to support the inslts of the kids.


Bullying is present almost everywhere, is not exclusive to any sector or society or about sex, although the profile of the offender himself is seen predominantly in males. There are no differences with regard to the victims.
This practice becomes common in middle and high levels of public and private sectors in Mexico, elsewhere in the world is adapting to technology resulting in cyber bullying, harassment through specifically on internet web pages, blogs or emails.
Sex: It is when there is a siege, induction or sexual abuse.
Social exclusion: When ignored, isolated and excludes the other.
Verbal insults and slurs in public to expose the weak.
Psychological: In this case there is a persecution, intimidation, tyranny, exhortation, manipulation and threats to the other.
Physical: There’s hitting, shoving or beating the beleaguered organization.
Parents if the see changes in behavior of children. You and you approach your child talk with him.
Interact more with your child’s friends and see what activities do. Once we have created a climate of trust and communication with your child, ask the reason for their behavior.
I think that the bullying is bad because hurt the other people, and all are the same girls and boys, old and young. We have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, etc.
The people that think that are more than the others is incorrect, and that people in the future are going to have problems in her or his live.
The parents should talk with their soon to know what happened with their lives.
And the people that are victim should speak, to receive help and resolve the problem.
They should finish with the bullying because if they don’t do nothing they are going to continue doing the same things and get more power, and is going to became to a problem that never get solution.
Naomi López Escárcega 1° A


Bullying is a serious problem of physical abuse, psychological and sexual, this phenomenon mainly occurs in the secondary school level, because calculations have been made and is where most takes place this bullying phenomenon called bullying.
It is very sad to know that bullying becoming more advanced, but we hopefully and someday we and luck and that young people understand that this is not a game if not a little care, but apparently they take it as a simple game and fun, just take this with young people with character can also be shy or higher grade that take advantage over new entrants or lesser degrees.
To give lectures or speak on this subject in secondary level schools should be very careful because it is a sensitive issue, however, is correct and helpful, and learning for young people who give this kind of talks to orient and help stop bullying can finally progress and a little more respect, and friendship among all youth.
So we must not let us keep in mind that young people need to eradicate this problem and to be careful and if you suffer from this call for help or consult a trusted adult or who else you have.


School bullying is a type of bullying that occurs in connection with education, either inside or outside of school. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional and is usually repeated over a period of time.
In schools, bullying occurs in all areas. It can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, though it more often occurs in PE, recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and waiting for buses, classes that require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in school sometimes consists of a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want to avoid becoming the next victim. These bullies taunt and tease their target before physically bullying the target. Targets of bullying in school are often pupils who are considered strange or different by their peers to begin with, making the situation harder for them to deal with.
One student or a group can bully another student or a group of students. Bystanders may participate or watch, sometimes out of fear of becoming the next victim. However, there is some research suggesting that a significant proportion of "normal" school children may not evaluate school-based violence (student-on-student victimization) as negatively or as being unacceptable as much as adults generally do, and may even derive enjoyment from it, and they may thus not see a reason to prevent it if it brings them joy on some level.
Bullying can also be perpetrated by teachers and the school system itself: There is an inherent power differential in the system that can easily predispose to subtle or covert abuse (relational aggression or passive aggression), humiliation, or exclusion — even while maintaining overt commitments to anti-bullying policies.

Physical bullying
Physical bullying is any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim. This is one of the most easily identifiable forms of bullying.
Emotional bullying
Emotional bullying is any form of bullying that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-being.

Verbal bullying
Verbal bullying is any slanderous statements or accusations that cause the victim undue emotional distress.
Cyber-bullying is any bullying done through the use of technology. This form of bullying can easily go undetected because of lack of parental/authoritative supervision. Because bullies can pose as someone else, it is the most anonymous form of bullying
Sexual bullying
Sexual bullying is "any bullying behaviour, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person’s sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls towards other boys or girls — although it is more commonly directed at girls. It can be carried out to a person’s face, behind their back or through the use of technology."

I think the bullying is very bad and horrible and we must do something to stop as giving talks to both students and parents or something like this because is very important so that students have better academic development and a better childhood with good friends, a good rating and a better future.


Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior, which may manifest as abusive treatment, the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when habitual and involving an imbalance of power. It may involve verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed persistently towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target."
Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways. The UK currently has no legal definition of bullying, while some U.S. states have laws against it.
Bullying ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more complex bullying in which the bully may have one or more 'lieutenants' who may seem to be willing to assist the primary bully in his bullying activities. Bullying in school and the workplace is also referred to as peer abuse. Robert W. Fuller has analyzed bullying in the context of rankism.
Bullying can occur in any context in which human beings interact with each other. This includes school, church, family, the workplace, home, and neighborhoods. It is even a common push factor in migration. Bullying can exist between social groups, social classes, and even between countries (see jingoism). In fact, on an international scale, perceived or real imbalances of power between nations, in both economic systems and in treaty systems, are often cited as some of the primary causes of both World War I and World War II.
I think that bullying is bad because it makes you feel bad for the victim, even verbal bullying affects self-esteem of the victim. It is also bad because it makes me the aggressor makes the other children are against the victim, children with social outcasts bullying.
For me, bullying should not be done because all children are equal and should not be excluded just for being different; I have seen that those who suffer most bulling be a children’s or another religion or another type of skin color what I've noticed those doing the bullying not only are men the women also made, the more in secondary schools likely is that the bullying takes place.


The bullying are very dangerous because the boys popular discriminate to a other boys by your face, your likes, the way they think, their dress, your personality, because they say they are stupid and say they are gays and other qualities.
And the girls popular discriminate to a other girls by your hair, their dress, your likes, the way they think, because they have no boyfriend, their dress, your personality, because they are no pretty, because they say lesbians, because they say they are stupid and other qualities.
And the boys and girls popular make problems with your partners and ultimately they are going to a psychologist to support them with that problem.
And the popular and no popular make friends and make the armory.


Bullying (also known as bullying, school bullying or bullying by the English term) is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical occurred among school children repeatedly over a given time. Statistically, the dominant type of violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and the school yard. The protagonists of cases of bullying tend to be children in the process of entry into adolescence (12-13 years), being slightly higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims.
Bullying is a form of torture, methodical and systematic, in which the aggressor add to the victim, often with the silence, indifference or complicity of other colleagues
Such school violence is characterized therefore by a reiteration designed to achieve the intimidation of the victim, involving an abuse of power as is exercised by a stronger aggressor (whether real or perceived this strength subjectively) than that . The subject is abused, so exposed physically and emotionally abusive to the subject, generating leads to a number of psychological sequelae (although these are not part of the diagnosis), it is common for the embattled living terrified by the idea of attending school and who is very nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the severity of the situation could have thoughts about suicide or even to materialize, actual consequences of harassment against people regardless of age.
Objectives and evolution of harassment escolar
the target practice of bullying is to intimidate, belittle, reduce, subdue, flatten, intimidate and consuming, emotionally and intellectually, to the victim, in order to obtain a favorable outcome for those who harass or meet a pressing need to dominate, subdue, attack, and destroy others who may have the bully as a predominant pattern of social relationships with others.


Bullying is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical occurred among school children repeatedly over a given time. Statistically, the dominant type of violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and the school yard. The protagonists of cases of bullying tend to be children in the process of entry into adolescence (12-13 years), being slightly higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims.

My opinion is:
All children should get along, and if anyone ever bothers him, right then you should see the teacher and not to provoke anger at another child, meaning that everyone get along as friends and colleagues both girls and boys, but as we are all partners must always be united and solve problems with the help of our Partner our teachers to speak properly without any discussion and not cause problems because we are partners we'll be together for some years and we must get along with everyone. Although there are children who molest other for fun, but what happens here is education that gives a parent a child.


What is Bullying?
School Bullying and harassment is a growing problem in classrooms. It consists of a deliberate psychological or physical abuse received by a child or children by one or more children or youth. Bullying is cruel and try to subdue and frighten the victims. In Spain, 1.6% of children and young people are consistently Bullying and 5.7% live it sporadically. A survey by the Institute of Youth (INJUVE) raises the percentage of victims of physical or psychological usual 3% of the students.

Types of bullying or bullying
■ Physical: Paste Kicking, punching, biting, shoving, hitting them with objects, etc.. It occurs more frequently in primary than in secondary.
■ Verbal: name-calling, insults, slurs in public, highlighting physical defects, use the phone to intimidate the victim, take pictures while it sticks and put them on the Internet, and so on. It is the most common.
■ Psychological: undermine the individual's self esteem and foster their sense of fear.
■ Social intended to isolate the young from the pack and colleagues

personal opinion: the bullyng is a bad process that leads to this violence because the violence seen repuite offender or suffers from low self-esteem, it wants to take his anger with individuals generally weaker than the same, this is because to stop because in our country this phenomenon is very present among young elementary and secondary schools to eradicate this phenomenon is recommended that steps be taken in schools as palticas and penalties for those who commit this type of situation



Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior, which may manifest as abusive treatment, the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when habitual and involving an imbalance of power. It may involve verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed persistently towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The imbalance of power may be social power and or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target.

Personal opinion

The bullying is bad because it affects not only your team mates physically if not psychologically well there are 3 types of bullying cyberbullying etc.



Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior, which may manifest as abusive treatment, the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when habitual and involving an imbalance of power. It may involve verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed persistently towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target."

Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways. The UK currently has no legal definition of bullying,while some U.S. states have laws against it.

Bullying ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more complex bullying in which the bully may have one or more 'lieutenants' who may seem to be willing to assist the primary bully in his bullying activities. Bullying in school and the workplace is also referred to as peer abuse. Robert W. Fuller has analyzed bullying in the context of rankism


Bullying is an act of aggressive behavior, this is repeated in order to deliberately hurt another person may be physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized in an individual to behave in a certain way in which you want to gain power over another person.
1) The word bullying, a way of treatment for people. Its basic meaning is: to harass, annoy, harass, obstruct or physically assaulting someone.
2) It is a continuous and deliberate verbal abuse and modal receiving a child by another or others, to treat him / her cruelly in order to bring, shelving, threaten, intimidate, or obtaining something from the victim.

Characteristics of bullying
Bullying can have as authors both individuals and groups.
• Characterized by a systematic and strategic.
• Usually last for a shorter or longer period.
• Bullying is a process of repression of problems.
• Your victims feel at a disadvantage and are considered to blame for the situation
• It can take place both directly and indirectly (through physical or psychological, or intrigue)
• stalk and spy on the way home from school, chasing, casting, punching or elbowing, pushing and beatings.
• marginalized from the school community or class.
• Make up rumors and lies.
• Foul play in sport and traps.
• Laughing at the other, making hurtful comments about him.
• Teasing, mocking continuously, dealing with names.
Types of Bullying Physical: pushing, kicking, assault with objects, and so on. It occurs more frequently in primary than in secondary. Verbal insults, slurs in public, highlighting physical defects, etc.. It is the most common. Psychological undermine the individual's self esteem and foster their sense of fear. Social intended to isolate the young from the pack and colleagues.

Bullying Participants
• Aggressor '
• Victim
• Observers

Aggressor: They tend to be physically strong, impulsive, dominant, with antisocial behavior and a little sympathetic to their victims. There are three types of stalkers:
Stalker intellectual is one who with good social skills and popularity in the group is able to organize or manipulate others to fulfill their orders
Stalker unwise: It is one who manifests an antisocial behavior that intimidates and harasses and other directly, sometimes as a reflection of their lack of self esteem and confidence.
Stalker victim: one who is younger classmates harassed him and is at once beset by older children or even a victim in his own home.

Victim: children are usually shy, insecure, maintain excessive parental protection, less physically strong, and so on. There are two types of victims: passive victims is often physically weak and insecure, which makes it an easy target for the bully. Other features of the passive victims include: low self-esteem, lack of friends, depression, although some of these traits might be the result of the harassment. Victim provocative behavior usually has a annoying and irritating to others. Sometimes peers cause them to react inappropriately, so after suffering harassment may come to seem justified.

How does it develop?
1 The harasser can begin to fix potential targets of harassment while the band members are positioning themselves against possible attacks.
2 º Soon the harasser happens to perform small acts of intimidation that are not effectively faced by the victim, while spectators either support or are unconcerned about the first assault.
3 º assault begins with the victim to suffer certain consequences.
4 The severity of the attacks will gradually increase with a sense of desperation and collapse of self-esteem of the victim, while viewers will definitely join in impotence and individualism

Indications of bullying:
• Truancy often.
• Decline in school performance.
• Apathy, depression, sadness.
• Student is not chosen for group work
• Comes with blows or wounds recess.
• You get nervous in class.
• Whispers, laughs softly, when a student enters class or answering a question

Bullying Indicators:
• Have been reprimanded more than once for fighting with peers.
• arrogant and domineering with siblings and friends.
• Lack of compliance, making fun of their peers
• Lack of empathy with the suffering of others.
• To speak disparagingly of some kid from his / her class.

Consequences of Bullying
The victims are the deterioration of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, school phobia and suicide attempts with negative impact on personality development, socialization and mental health in general.

In the aggressors: For the perpetrators, harassing behaviors can become chronic and becoming an illegitimate way to achieve its objectives, with the consequent risk of referral to criminal behavior, including domestic violence and gender.

In the audience: For its part, the spectators are at risk of numb to the daily aggression and not to react to situations of injustice in their environment. Dealing with bullying and abuse among students Boys and girls should know that they are entitled to their physical and psychological integrity and that nobody can abuse them physically or psychologically, or sexually. They must know that attitudes and behaviors do not have to allow in their relations with peers and adults.

They prepare for awkward behavior and peer pressure. Breaking the code of silence Their relationships to be egalitarian rather than arrogance and dominance-submission. Should be made aware that they must report and disclose situations of physical, psychological and they happen to observe or know of some of his companions / as. both parents or family and the school. Spectators should show an attitude of openness, communication and concern for the victim. No position on the side of the bully and the victim to tell their parents or loved ones, even offering to go with him if you are unsure. They must be aware of the importance of maintaining cordial relationships, positive and mutually satisfying peer.

I think thatis wrong andif happened to him because if you can but if not lead to death so it is bestto denouncethe person who a bullys

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011



lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011




miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011