Energy is the power your body needs to exist and work. The human body extracts energy from food which consists of carbohydrate, fat, protein and alcohol. The most common measurement of energy is a calorie (cal). It is defined as the energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree Celsius (from 14.5 to 15.5C). As people need large amounts of energy, when talking about energy, kilocalories (1kcal=1000 calories) are used.
Energy is a power that you need to do everyday activities...if you eat healthy food you will get that energy. Teacher Hugo.
ResponderEliminarwe have to eat the calories necessary because if we eat more calories that we need, probably we put on weight
ResponderEliminarIf you have a good healhty you have a good diet and not eat scrap
ResponderEliminarEvery days we have to eat healthy, because if we don't do it we will not going to have energy, and it's very important to the body.
ResponderEliminareverybody should to eat nice and healthy food, but the people souldn't do it, they don't like the healthy food and they eat junk food and they fat and increasing obesity in the world.
ResponderEliminarJesús Mendoza Romero
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ResponderEliminarif you do not eat healthy you will have problems with your heart and health and that trigger these failures you fat and give you a problem in the heart
if you dont eat good you will be able to have problems
ResponderEliminarraul sanchez rico
if you do exercise you will have a good healty
ResponderEliminarif you eat healty you will have a good digestion
we need energy to do diferents thing and if we want ro have energy we need to eat good
ResponderEliminarif you dont have energy you can be bought all the time .
ResponderEliminaryou need sleep than 8 hours