domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010



16 comentarios:

  1. She said that the children´s of Colombia are in extrem pooverty.

    Shakira said that the children´s in Colombia need an oportunity.

    Shakira said that the children´s of Colombia need better future.

    Shakira said that the children´s in Colombia need a good education.

    She said that the children´s in Colombia need a good healt.

  2. Shakira said that the childrens in colombia living in poverty

    Shakira said to be given an opportunity to have a better future

    shakira said that her social program for children

    Shakira said that the help for the children

    Shakira said she would have to give disadvantaged children the opportunity to fulfill their dreams

  3. shakira said that the help for the children

    shakira said that the childrens in colombia live in poverty.

    shakira said that the childrens of colombia need a best future.

    shakira says that if she had the oppurtunity to help the child would make.

    Shakira says she loves the children of Colombia because they are very affectionate in spite of their poverty they live.

    andrea ramirez lira

  4. shakira said that the children of colombia are poverty.
    she said that the cildrens need to have a good future.
    she said that everybody needs to help the childrens of colombia.
    she said that she has a social programs for the children.

    raul jesus hector

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. she said that the children of colombia are in poverty
    she said that the children of colombia need help
    she said that she have a program to help the childrens
    she said that this childrens need a good healthy
    she said tha children need a good education for a good future
    Kevin Alba Rodriguez
    David Iglesias Morales

  7. Shakira said that the problems with the poverty in colombia

    Shakira said that we need to help the childrens

    Shakira said that we cant live good knowing that the childrens stay in this serious problem
    Shakira said that colombia need another oportunity start again

    Shakira said that colombia need better future

  8. Shakira said that the children in Colombia are in a extrem poverty.
    Shakira said that she want to change the Europe children future.
    Shakira said that the children in Colombia need a oportunity and a better future
    shakira said that the children in colombia need a good education and a good health.
    *Leslie Andrea*

  9. shakira seid dad in colombia the childrens are in extren poverty
    Shakira said that she change the future of the children in europe and the children in colombia needs oportunities
    shakira said that the childrens in colombia need a good education and good health.And need oportuniti in the future
    karen itzel ramirez

  10. shakiira said that the coLombiian chiiLdren arein poverty and they reallly need`s a new and best future because no only colonbian childs need this change,all the world need it.
    They need best future,best healt, best nutricion, and an opportunity
    karLa Ortegaa Rdzz

  11. shakira said that the boys in America was in extreme poberty.

    shakira said that the childrens need help.

    shakira said that she have a big feeling to this boys

    shakira said that the children`s need a better future

    shakira said that the pour in the world was bad

    Arturo Loyo

  12. shakira said that the children`s in colombia need a good education.

    shakira said that the help the children`s.

    shakira said that the children`s need a good education.

    shakira said that the children`s need to have a good future

    shakira said that the children`s in colombia need a oportunity.

    antonio lobato acosta

  13. shakira said that the childrens need help

    shakira said that the childrens need a education

    shakira said that the childrens from colombia are poor

    shakira said that the children´s must to have a best future

    shakira said that the children´s from colombia must to have our help

    eduardo perez navarro

  14. Zaira Paola 2ªA
    -Shakira said that the childrens in colombia living in poverty
    -shakira said that the children`s in colombia need a oportunity
    -shakira said that the childrens in colombia need a good education
    -shakira said that the children`s need to have a good future
    -Shakira said she would have to give disadvantaged children the opportunity to fulfill their dreams
    -sahkira dijo que los niños de Colombia necesitan más attencion

  15. She said that the children in Colombia has an malnutrition and the economy isn´t favorable to this problem. And it´s hard find solution for this problem . But she have an organize to help all , for the posibility the children have a good education.
    She tlaking about the diferent forms to help the children, by mediums of donatives this include , clothes,food in a can , etc...
    By: Itzel Nahutlato Flores☮
